12 January 2011

Snow Day Number Three...

That's right, folks! This is our third consecutive snow day. I baked banana bread with toasted pecans and golden raisins, and Lane and I took turns napping with Liam. Even though I am thoroughly enjoying the extra time off, I much prefer warm and sunny to these gloomy gray snowy days.

Having spent most of my life in Michigan, I am no stranger to the cold toes and runny noses of Winter. My mom jokes about how quickly my skin thinned after having only been in Chattanooga for a little over a year. And yes, I must admit I really am already day-dreaming big plans for Spring and Summer, and wishing I could bear the bitter wind to go outside.

What are her big plans? you wonder...

Well, I am totally motivated to expand my current set of domestic skills both in and beyond the kitchen. I'm hoping to put a potted herb garden on the screened-in porch, and a variety of flowers in the yard. I also want to grow a sauce and salsa garden (also potted) and grow winter squash, cucumber, pickles, and berries. Most of this is old hat, but I'm planning on canning, which is something I've never done before. I've already read the chapter on canning in the Joy, and will take a trip to the public library for more how-to books. I'd like to make my own jams and sauces from the stuff in my own garden, and I'd like to be able to taste the fruits of Spring and Summer during next year's snow days. I'd also like to learn to knit--although my experiences with Stitch and Bitch were neither successful nor pleasant--so that I can knit warm fuzzies for my whole family.

Sound like fun? Well, stick around to see just how much I'll be able to accomplish while chasing around a toddler, as Baby Liam turns 1 in May.

1 comment:

  1. Did you master knitting? I can teach you if you want. Mojitos, knitting, and Extreme Couponing. Now is the time to start so we can finish before the cold.
