02 December 2010

It's all worthwhile.

I have a love/hate relationship with the end of the semester.

On the one hand, there's all the excitement of starting a new semester right around the corner - meeting new students, reworking the syllabus to get out all the kinks, getting new office supplies - what can I say? It's fun. But before all that magic happens I have to get through a mountain of grading - final exams and term papers written at the last minute by students who stopped caring about the class weeks ago, if they ever cared at all. My charm has worn off, my patience is running thin, and I'm not all that great with deadlines. Everyone's exhausted, the students on campus walk around like zombies, hungry and half asleep, and I'm frantically trying to catch up on all the little things I put off until now.

Meanwhile, back at the homestead...

Liam is thoroughly enjoying NOM 101: Introduction to Solid Food. He's mastered the rice cereal unit and has moved on to butternut squash. We're gearing up for the Christmas holiday and planning our trip to Michigan where we'll be spending twelve days with our families back home. I'm nervous about making the whole ten-to-twelve hour drive in one day as Liam's gross motor skills have improved exponentially in the last couple weeks and he's lately very unhappy being restricted by his car seat. I do, however, take comfort in the anticipation of much needed respite and quality time with the people we love so much. Needless to say, it's a very special time of year for us.  

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