31 December 2010

Two Kay Eleven

The new year is here (in case you haven't heard).

Tomorrow is the last full day we'll spend in Michigan until we come back in August and the leaving is bittersweet, as are most good things in life and chocolate. You see, I have this theory, that the most gratifying of all human experiences are the ones that can best be described with that perfect little oxymoron of an adjective. The bitter comes from a sense of longing, a nostalgia, or some unfulfilled desire; the sweet from a sentimental reflection on your fortune for having been a part of something so wonderful. Often, it's the sweet that gives way to the bitter -- the simple recognition that you want the good times to last coupled with the simpler recognition that all things end -- but this need not be the case. Just experiencing bittersweetness is itself gratifying.

Lane and I are now in a very interesting place in our life together: we leave home to go home. The leaving is bitter because we're leaving our home with familiar places and beloved faces, and sweet because we're returning to a home with familiar places and beloved faces. This entire holiday has been bittersweet as we've missed the people and doggies we love back home in Chattanooga, and have thoroughly enjoyed the people and doggies we love here in Michigan. Undoubtedly, I must admit, going home to Chattanooga will have the same sorrowed excitement attached to it that coming home to Michigan had just eleven days ago, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm happy to say that I have finally learned the real meaning of 'home' and it extends far beyond the common cliche.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm at home when I have my husband and my son in tow and we all arrive safe and sound to our destination. More often than not, we're blessed with a warm reception and this only serves to intensify that feeling of home, but it might be in Chattanooga, or in Grand Rapids, Southfield or Detroit, or Prescott Valley, AZ., or Louisville, KY.. The destination doesn't matter so much as long as we're together and happy and healthy. No matter where we are, all I have to do to be home is close my eyes, click my heals together three times, and poof, I'm there.

Happy New Year to All, and to All a Good Night. Cheers to the bittersweet. 


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